TONY Churton broke the outside club waters record for a smooth-hound with a catch in excess of five kilograms.

Churton whilst out on a boat from Wallasea, in Essex, caught a 5.670g 89.29% smooth-hound, which also put him in the lead for the West Bay Sea Angling Club’s ‘fish of the quarter’ prize.

Elsewhere, in the Bridport News Cup, nine anglers turned out on Sunday, May 19 for the first fished boat match.

Light winds and sunshine made for ideal conditions, however the ‘May water’ was reflected in the catches. 

First place with most points (29) and a top-scoring 67cm small-eyed ray was Mike Rose.

Most species winner was Rod Barr with five, including some early black bream.

Best-scoring fish, with the above excluded, was Steve Fowles with a 66cm dogfish scoring five points.

In total, 11 different species were recorded, including rays, bream, plaice, a sizeable whiting and conger eel.