THANKS for the recent article regarding the generous and anonymous donation of £900 towards the ASPIRE Project.

What wasn’t made clear, and this is entirely down to us I’m afraid, is that the donation was in fact made to the BYPAT (Bridport Young Persons’ Action Trust) charity.

ASPIRE, founded eleven years ago and previously nominated for an award from the Centre for Social Justice, is a completely free support programme that is continuing to work with Junior and Senior School children struggling through the pandemic.

ASPIRE has a voluntary management structure within the not-for-profit company BEST – Bridport Enterprise Supporting Training Ltd – and provides support through the multi-talented, award winning Co-ordinator Charlotte Storey The BYPAT Charity partners BEST by providing practical support for individuals where it is particularly needed.

This has taken many forms, but has included transport and training costs, clothing, materials, equipment, etc. The £900 donation is towards BYPAT’s “Support Budget” and is from an anonymous benefactor wishing to “support disadvantaged young people” and who wants to do this through a project that is “local and specific.”

To emphasise, all referrals to ASPIRE come to us through local schools, other professional agencies and, occasionally, parents asking for help for their children – although these requests have increased during lockdown.

Thank you to all our supporters in the community who help to make this programme possible through their generous donations.