I was very disheartened to read the comments by Jon in last week’s Postbag.

The majority of dog owners respect the beach and clear up after their dogs. Shame this couldn’t be said of the majority of people using the beach. The amount of rubbish and plastic continues to astonish me. 

If it weren’t for the likes of Debbie Conibere and other dog walkers it would be even worse. Every day Debbie walks her dog on the beach and every day she makes a point of picking up litter. From plastic bottles to fishing line and plastic nurdles, the list of items is endless.

Jon shouldn’t be so ‘namby pamby’. The majority of the public have no issue with dogs enjoying the beach.

Many businesses are very worried at the recent dog hatred ‘trend’. Just a short walk up the high street and you can see how many shops have a ‘dogs welcome’ sticker in their windows. Most have come to realise what a difference being dog friendly has made to their businesses turnover.

A ban of dogs from the beaches will drive away tourists, dog walkers, and close businesses.

Come on residents of Lyme. Live and let live.
