We don’t know yet what the recent Cabinet reshuffle may mean for people with disabilities and long-term conditions, including the 250,000 with the chronic fluctuating condition, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).

But we do know that the new Minister of State for Disabled People, Mark Harper MP, strongly supports a reduction in welfare benefit spending.

People with ME, with symptoms including disabling fatigue, chronic pain, digestive problems and cognitive difficulties, tell us that they want to work, if only they were well enough to do so.

Unfortunately 25 per cent of people with ME are so ill that they remain house or bed-bound.

We urge Mr Harper not to reduce the support these vulnerable people need to survive. Anyone with ME who has questions or concerns about accessing benefits can contact our Welfare Advice and Support Service on 0845 122 8648 or visit the website: actionforme. org.uk Sonya Chowdhury chief executive Action for M.E.

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