YOUNG campaigner Leon Howe is planning another protest march in Lyme Regis to keep up the pressure to reopen the Three Cups Hotel.

Leon, aged 10, has led two protest marches and launched a petition, which was signed by actor Stephen Fry.

The Mrs Ethelston’s Primary School pupil said: “I’m angry with Palmers because they are doing all the wrong things. It would actually be better for them if they turned it into a hotel – they just can’t see it.

“The main thing we have got to do is to pressure them to sell it – that would be the best thing that could possibly happen.

“We are going to keep fighting and I think we are going to have another protest march.”

Leon believes re-opening the hotel – whose past guests include Jane Austen, JRR Tolkien, and Charlie Chaplin – would have huge benefits for Lyme. He said: “It would be the heart of Lyme because everyone would want to come and see it, there would be more tourists, and more money in shops.

“The town has lost several million pounds just because Palmers don’t want to open it as a hotel.”