PROPOSALS to re-locate Lyme Regis Library and LymeNet to the Woodmead Halls site will be outlined to the public on Friday, October 19.

The Woodmead Halls is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a party at 7.30pm on Friday.

It will include a presentation from consultant David Gale, on behalf of Lyme Regis Development Trust, about plans to move the two facilities to the Hill Road site. Although the plans are still in the very early stages, with talks taking place between the development trust and the Woodmead Halls Management Committee, it is thought the library and community learning centre could be housed in a two-storey extension to the halls.

At Friday’s celebration, the management committee chairman Stan Williams will also talk about the history of the Woodmead Halls, and vice-chairman Nick Robertson will talk about the enhancement plans, which includes proposals for a third hall.

Committee member Charlie Kapur will talk about the technical changes that have been made to the halls over the years, including Wi-Fi and plasma televisions.

The committee has invited 59 local organisations who use the facility and the event is open to the general public, with a buffet and a free drink.