FIND out more about the 1831 reform riots in Dorset at the next meeting of the Bridport History Society.

Dr Roger Ball, from the University of the West of England, Bristol, will be talk on the subject at the meeting at the United Church Hall, East Street, Bridport, on Thursday, December 14, 2.15pm for a 2.30pm start.

Dr Ball has been part of a research project into the unrest of 1831 in Dorset and others parts of the country.

The meeting will also give history society members a chance to to renew their subscriptions, it costs £10 for a single subscription or £15 for a couple.

Local authors will be selling their publications after the meeting, so bring cash along.

The talk costs £1 for members. Visitors are welcome for £4. For more information see the website or phone 01308 425710.