A BRIDPORT mum whose daughter died after an asthma attack raised nearly £600 this summer to help other sufferers.

For the third year in a row Wendy Davis, 47 of Arrowfields took part in the 5km Hydro Active Women's Challenge in Hyde Park to collect money for Asthma UK.

Her daughter Kerry Leadbetter died from the illness in June 2005, aged just 23.

Mrs Davis was joined on the run by her other daughter Laura, 27, who cares for Kerry's five-year-old son Ryan.

She said: "After adding it up I have raised £511 in sponsorship for the run and on the Saturday before the race in September I did a street collection in Bucky Doo Square and have just been told I raised £76.20 then.

"I would like to say thank you to everybody who donated money and also to Linda Younghusband, of the Dorset Pedlar, who helped me train and Gay Rosamund of Unit 1 hairdressers. They both had sponsorship forms in their shops.

"This was the third time have done the race and I am sure I'll do it again."