LODERS Primary School is back on track according to Ofsted, after the school was put in special measures.

A report from Ofsted's first monitoring visit said changes in the school's leadership 'have brought about much-needed reassurance for the school and wider community'.

It says: "Parents have welcomed the open communication they have received about the changes to the school’s leadership.

"They are confident their children are looked after well in school and their individual learning needs are now being better provided for."

The findings come after Ofsted issued a damning report released in January which said the school's leadership was inadequate.

Ofsted inspected the school in November after parents and teachers complained about the school’s management.

They found the school had ineffective leadership staff who failed to ensure teaching was of a sufficiently high quality, there was poor morale and lack of confidence in the head teachers, pupils were not making rapid enough or sustained progress and there were problems with pupils' behaviour.

Headteacher Shirley Gibbs did not return to the school after the Christmas break and is still officially recorded as absent.

Now the school is recorded as making several improvements, with Ofsted Inspector David Edwards noting in the report: "All staff and governors now have a clearer understanding of what needs to be done to secure improvement.

"Members of the governing body are confident the recent change in leadership has strengthened the school’s capacity to bring about the necessary improvements.

"A programme of regular professional development to secure improvements in the quality of teaching and learning has been introduced for all staff."

He added: "The local authority and diocese are working closely together to support the new leadership team, develop the role of middle leaders and check regularly on the work of the school.

"Together they are providing the guidance and additional resources necessary to secure lasting school improvements and the permanent leadership of the school."

As a result of the monitoring inspection, Ofsted said Loders' improvement plan and Dorset County Council's statement of action is fit for purpose, but the school may not appoint newly qualified teachers before the next monitoring inspection.

In a statement, Loders Primary School said the leadership team and staff were pleased with the feedback and assistant headteachers Rowan Beecham and Beth McGrath are looking forward to maintaining progress with the school's plan.

Ms Beecham said: "We have had some excellent support from a local Headteacher, the Diocese and the Local Authority, which has helped us secure such a positive first inspection.

"We all feel determined that the school will continue to make improvements where they are identified, and that the inspector will be able to see this progress when he visits again next term."