Rehearsals for the Queen’s procession began early this morning, with soldiers in full ceremonial dress marching along the late Monarch’s coffin route

The procession, which is taking place on Wednesday, is expected to attract huge crowds as the coffin makes its way from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall. 

The early-morning practice saw a black coffin placed on a horse-drawn carriage of the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery and carried along the route.  

At 4am, the procession was ordered to march, making its way from Queen’s Gardens to The Mall, Whitehall, Parliament Street, Parliament Square, and New Palace Yard. 

Many Central London streets were sealed off during the operation and stand-ins for King Charles III and other members of The Royal Family were used. 

The real procession begins at 2.22 pm on Wednesday and is expected to last 38 minutes. 

Major General Christopher Ghike, a senior officer responsible for organising the ceremonial parts of the Queen's funeral, said the procession is "our last opportunity to do our duty for the Queen."

There were only a few onlookers, with many of those present finding themselves there by chance.

A small group camped outside Buckingham Palace followed the rehearsal. 

One onlooker, from South London, said that he was “devastated” by the news of the Queen’s death on Thursday, adding: “We are all broken-hearted. I can’t take it in.” 

Another said they had been camping since Thursday “so we can get a good view of things” and insisted that they could not leave until after the funeral so they can pay their “respects”. 

He added: “Ten days (of camping) against a 70-year reign is only a fraction.” 

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: PAPA (Image: PA)

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: PAPA (Image: PA)

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: PAPA (Image: PA)

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: PAPA (Image: PA)

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: PAPA (Image: PA)

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: PAPA (Image: PA)

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: PAPA (Image: DFQ)


Where is The Queen? 

The Queen’s coffin is currently lying-in-state at St Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh and is expected to make its way from Scotland to London via Edinburgh International Airport. 

The coffin, which will be accompanied by the Queen's daughter, Princess Anne, will arrive at RAF Northolt at 6pm and then in London at around 7pm. 

When is the Queen’s state funeral? 

Queen Elizabeth’s coffin will be moved from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall on Wednesday and will be viewable to the public from 5pm. 

The funeral will then take place on September 19 (Monday). 

When was the last state funeral?

State funerals are usually reserved for monarchs with the last such funeral happening in 1952 for the Queen's father, King George VI.