VILLAGERS fear their request for a pedestrian crossing may take "several years" to be put in place due to budget constraints.

Parish councillors have submitted a request to Dorset Council, calling for a pedestrian crossing in Burton Bradstock.

The Jurassic Coast Road (B3157), a popular tourist route between Bridport and Weymouth, does not have a single pedestrian crossing.

Villagers in Burton Bradstock have raised concerns about the lack of a crossing in the village, with schoolchildren regularly crossing the busy road to access Hive Beach.

READ MORE: Call for crossing on B3157 Coast Road, Burton Bradstock

Outside the petrol station in the village, there is a dropped kerb adjoining a footpath where villagers cross to access the shop - however, this is not a crossing and is instead the section of the road where the speed limit changes from 30mph to 40mph.

The campaign for a new crossing has been led by Burton Bradstock Parish Council chair Lisanne Mealing and vice-chair Bob Ward.

The two councillors have submitted a request for the new pedestrian crossing, but Cllr Ward said he is worried that budget constraints may lead to a long wait for a crossing to be put in, even if approved.

Cllr Ward said: "Our main concern now is that the limitations on Dorset Council's budget will prevent us getting the crossing.

"All local authorities have constrained budgets and it seems clear to us that even if it is suitable for a crossing here, we may be put at the bottom of a very long list.

"I am getting the impression that it is not just about whether it is suitable, it is also about money, Dorset Council may accept that we have a case and it still may be several years before we get a crossing.

"If we come back to our residents with that, I don't think it will be acceptable.

"We are trying to avoid a situation where the council only acts if someone is hit and killed.

"We think this is a reasonable measure that should prevent a tragedy."

The proposal was supported by members of the parish council as well as Dorset Councillor Mark Roberts, who recently lost his seat to Sally Holland in the local elections.

Cllr Ward said he has already written to the new ward councillor to try and get her support for the plan.

The parish councillors have also called for speed limits to be reduced through the village, including extending the 30mph zone to Beach Road, where many schoolchildren cross to reach Hive Beach

A spokesperson for Burton Bradstock CE Primary said: “We have raised our concerns about this issue a number of times over the last few years, including with the parish council and with our local MP, Chris Loder, who came into school to hear directly from our children about this. 

“We also regularly hold assemblies and class discussions focused on road safety so that the children have a better awareness and know how to keep themselves safe. 

“We strongly support any moves to introduce a new pedestrian crossing and any plans to reduce the speed limit so that our roads are safer for the children and our wider school community.”