These lovely old postcard pictures of west Dorset show the area looking unspoilt and resplendent.

Click into the gallery above to see the old postcards of west Dorset 

They come from the postcard collection of Valerie Hall and show some beautiful views of the county in bygone days.

Mrs Hall shared these postcards with the News years ago along with hundreds of postcards her family has been collecting for years.

Speaking back in 2013, Mrs Hall said the postcards belonged to her daughter Kathleen but they originally came from her great, great-grandfather and great-aunt Margery Hall.

Mrs Hall said: “We have several hundred of them from all over the world. They didn’t have cameras in those days so they collected postcards instead. Every time I look I find something else.

“I love to see the clothes they wore mountaineering, just plus fours, a rucksack, walking stick and a pipe.

“Some of them were obviously sent home to Auntie Margery from her father during World War I. He was in the medical corps and some of them have obviously been censored on them and some are to his wife ‘my darling Amy’ dated Christmas 1918. Amy was a concert pianist; she had an operetta written for her and I have the original one of that at home.

Mrs Hall said: “The story goes that he served in the Crimean war and enlisted in the Second World War in his 40s.

"There is a lovely song called Rose of No Man’s Land and it was about the medical corps.”