Free writing courses are being offered to Lyme Regis residents.

Lyme Regis Town Council is hosting a bid-writing workshop to help people prepare documents that enable them to get funding for their organisation.

Bid-writing involves completing pre-qualification questionnaires and tenders in order to secure new contracts or funding. 

The course will be held at the Guildhall from 11.30am until 1.30pm on Saturday March 16 and pastries, teas and coffees will be included.

A spokesperson for Lyme Regis Town Council said: "We are pleased to be offering another free Bid-writing workshop and would love to see you there.

"Gain knowledge and insights into bid-writing, to bring in funding for your organisation.

"This session will follow on from the previous session with tailored bid-writing support.

To register an interest in attended the workshop email