A cancer support charity has launched an art exhibition at a Bridport hospital exploring people’s experiences of those affected by the disease.

In 2022 The Living Tree celebrated its 10-year anniversary of providing support to those, from West Dorset, East Devon, and South Somerset, affected by cancer, with an exhibition at the Bridport Arts Centre.

The artwork showcased the achievements by members who are living or have lived with cancer.

The same exhibition is being reprised this year at the Bridport Community Hospital, adapted by two charity supporters Christine Edwards and Libby Jukes.

The works are on display in a selection of locations across the hospital including the outpatients’ waiting area, the X-ray department, the new chemo suite, and the corridor approaching the dining room.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: L to R: Christine Edwards, Terry Stoodley (BHC), Daniela Brustolon (BHC), Libby Jukes, Jo Millar

Jo Millar, chair of the Living Tree, said: “We have been overwhelmed by the positive reception and enthusiasm from staff at Bridport Hospital. Many have commented that it feels like our art and creative writing are completely in the right place for a more permanent display."

One section of the exhibition is called Stitching Cells where members explore their individual experiences of cancer through the medium of thread and embroidery. Another set of work, Collage & Print Collaboration, explores the colours and textures of landscapes through the media of print.

“The work can easily be viewed by people visiting the hospital and helps to illustrate the many ways in which The Living Tree can support those living with cancer. It also will help to strengthen our links with the hospital, especially now that chemotherapy treatments are being held there.

“We are very grateful to Bridport Hospital, & hope that both staff and patients will enjoy this addition to their working & treatment environments."