A church group in Bridport held a vigil for peace.

The Chapel in the Garden held their 'Stand for Peace' vigil as members of the congregation gathered in the garden and on the steps leading to the chapel, standing in silence for 15 minutes holding candles as a symbol of hope.

The gathering was for non-violence, reconciliation and peace, and Reverend Elizabeth Harley, spoke to those who had gathered.

She said:  “The peace we create here for just fifteen minutes can be taken out into the world with each of you."

“This offering creates a compassionate solidarity with those people suffering around the world. We are seeing an outpouring of grief at the suffering of innocent civilians in the Middle East, Ukraine, Sudan and so many more.

"There are many ways that people help, and this is only one way, but one that also gives your own heart a place to process the onslaught of suffering we see in the world and can feel powerless to stop.” 

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: People stood on the steps of the chapel to observe thier 15 minute vigil

Among the people who came were members of the congregation and local people who said they were glad to find a moment to stand in peace, with others, reflecting upon the wars across the world.

Fiona Moir said: "In these incredibly unstable times, coming together with others and standing in silence for peace, feels more important than ever."

Many people passing by did not know what the gathering was for, but they showed consideration for the quiet concentrated atmosphere that was present and walked past quietly and with respect.

The gatherings will take place on the first Saturday of each month at 12pm where everyone is welcome to join in the 15 minutes of reflection.