An evening of songs and festive cheer will be taking place in Bridport

The Friends of Bridport Millennium Green will once again be hosting a 'Celebration for Twelfth Night' at Bridport Town Hall. For 2024 the event will be on on Friday, January 5.

An evening of songs and words with peace and goodwill in mind is promised, with music and readings from Rough Assembly and Debra Bates.

It starts at 7.30pm, and costs £10 or £8 for members and includes a glass of wine and a mince pie. There will also be a raffle.

For more information and to arrange access via the TIC lift phone chairman Sandra Brown on 01308 423078.

This is the group’s first fundraising event of the year and will be followed by a talk on 'D Day: Preparing for Decimalisation' on Thursday, February 16 at 2.30pm, in Bridport WI Hall.