Bridport Lions Club celebrated raising thousands of pounds at their 27th annual Swimarathon presentation evening.

The club put on a buffet and a raffle at Highlands End in Eype as medals and awards were presented to swimmers by Chris Browne from AmSafe Bridport.

The fundraising swimming event took place at Bridport Leisure Centre in October and raised more than £4,000.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Bridport Lions Club president Clive Greenaway Bridport Lions Club president Clive Greenaway (Image: Bridport Lions Club)

A spokesperson for Bridport Lions Club said: “This was the 27th Swimarathon held by the club and the total money raised by the teams, the raffle and gift aid is over £4,300.

“The total raised over the years is now over £90,000 enabling the club to continue to help those in need in our community.”

The funds are then redistributed throughout the year to individuals, clubs, organisations and schools in need and the Swimarathon is one of the club's largest fundraising events of the year.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Bothenhampton Brownies who won the Chairman’s Cup Bothenhampton Brownies who won the Chairman’s Cup (Image: Bridport Lions Club)

President Clive Greenaway gave 2 new Lionheart Awards to Caitlyn Raison from Parrett & Axe School and Anya Williams from Bothenhampton Brownies to reward their exceptional effort.

Other winners were at the awards night were:

  • Highest Laps Junior - Barracuda Stingrays
  • Highest Laps under 11 - Parrett & Axe School
  • Highest Laps Mixed - Barracudas Starfish & Swordfish
  • Highest Laps Senior - Barracudas Sharks
  • Highest Sponsor Senior - Barracudas Sharks
  • Highest Sponsor Mixed - West Bay Coastguards
  • Highest Sponsor Junior - Barracudas Seahorses
  • Best Effort by a Youth Team - Bothenhampton Brownies Mermaids

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Caitlin and Anya receiving the new Lionheart awards from president Clive GreenawayCaitlin and Anya receiving the new Lionheart awards from president Clive Greenaway (Image: Bridport Lions Club)

The awards night and swimarathon would not have been possible without the generous sponsorship of many locals businesses.

The Bridport Lions Club spokesperson added: “Congratulations and heartfelt thanks go to all the swimmers.

“We would also like to thank all our sponsors, without whom we would not be able to cover the costs of the event.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Chris Browne from AmSafe handed out the medals on the night Chris Browne from AmSafe handed out the medals on the night (Image: Bridport Lions Club)

“AmSafe Bridport and Howdens were the main sponsors. Other lane sponsors were ABC Blinds, Bredy Vets, Bridport Post Office, Freshwater Beach Holiday Park, Gardner & Young, Haddon House Hotel, Longs Fish & Chips, Nantes Solicitors, Nick Tett Butchers, Palmer’s Brewery, Smith & Smith.

“Raffle prizes were donated by Clocktower Records, Hot & Tasty, Art & Craft, Framptons and the Green Yard Café.”