Charmouth Scouts dominated the annual District Box Kart Race, held at a very wet and soggy Freshwater Beach Holiday Park.

The troop's lightweight kart 'Stealth', which was designed and built by the Scouts two years ago, won the Road, Sprint and Cross Country races and came third in the Downhill.

Not to be totally outdone, their mini-kart, which was crewed by younger members, came third in the Cross Country Race.

There would have been even more success for the Scouts if their third new ‘Mario’ kart, had not been pipped to the prize for the best-decorated entrant by Bridport’s ‘Barbie’ kart.

Kevin Payne, Deputy Group Scout Leader at 1st Charmouth, said: “All the entrants from Scout Groups around the Dorchester & West Dorset District did really well in very testing conditions, particularly the Cross Country event.

"The organisers not only made the karts go through a very large puddle at the start and the finish but also negotiated a gruelling 70-yard dip in the field that was over six inches deep in water.

"Furthermore, the driver then had to get out and help the pushers carry the kart over an obstacle comprising ten tyres laid out in pairs.”

“Our thanks go out to all the leaders and helpers who organised and supervised the event, and to Freshwater for, once again, allowing us to run the event in their holiday park.”