Students at the Sir John Colfox Academy will now be able to study in Latin, Greek and Ancient History and the Classical World in secondary education.

The newly launched Classics Hub aims to give students more opportunities at GCSE, A-Level and lower down the Bridport school, as part of the academy’s plans to expand the curriculum.  

Dr Neil Allies, Head of Languages and Cultures, said: “Students are increasingly interested in Classics, and I am delighted that we are now able to offer new Latin and Greek GCSEs and Ancient History A Level. Younger students will also benefit from the new Classics Hub, as we will be introducing them to Latin, Classical texts and the Ancient World through our Reading Curriculum.

“We want to expand our students’ horizons and inspire in them a love for learning and for the classical world, by introducing them to a huge range of fascinating and fun topics including everything from gladiators to mosaics, archaeology, myths and more!”  

As well as planning more trips to ancient sites, the school also hosted a talk on Ancient Greek earlier this month by acclaimed author Adam Nicholson entitled ‘How to Be – Life Lessons from the Early Greeks’ as part of the Bridport Literary Festival, which was attended by the school’s sixth formers and the public.  

The new hub will also involve and benefit other secondary schools in the Initio Learning Trust, of which Colfox is a part.

Adam Shelley, Headteacher of the Sir John Colfox Academy, said: “We were proud that improvements to our new curriculum were recently recognised by Ofsted who noted that ‘changes to the curriculum reflect the school’s ambition for its pupils to achieve more highly. Pupils are now benefiting from the improved curriculum. 

"Our new curriculum and our new Classics Hub will give our students even more opportunities to pursue their academic interests and develop a love for the Ancient World.”