St Mary’s Church in Bridport is inviting residents to take part in its service of Remembrance to honour those affected by war.

Bridport is marking Remembrance Sunday on November 12 with St Mary’s Church taking a prominent role in the proceedings.

People are welcome to attend a service at the church just after 11am. 

Bridport team rector, Canon Deb Smith, said: “People will be commemorating this time in many ways, and most especially in the act of remembrance on Sunday at the war memorial outside St Mary’s and by the laying of poppy wreaths.

“Every year crowds fill South Street in this important gathering to remember the service of those who lost their lives in times of conflict. And then some of us come into church for our service of remembrance.

“I want everyone to know this service is for all – so please join us as we come together as a community.”

Armistice Day falls on Saturday, November 11 and the two-minute silence will be kept, with some gathering at the war memorial at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day.

There will also be services and acts of remembrance happening all around the town on Sunday and Canon Smith is keen to make sure that the victims of current conflicts around the world are remembered alongside those of the past.

She added: “This year many of us are thinking of the conflicts happening in the world today, especially in Gaza and Ukraine, as we also remember conflicts of the past which still affect the lives of so many.

“Coming together helps us support each other in our remembering and in our prayers for peace. We gather to honour those we remember with gratitude.”