Dorset residents will be able to book their flu vaccines online from Monday, as the NHS booking system opens ahead of what could be a challenging winter for the health service.

As part of the NHS commitment to make it ever more convenient for people to book in for their winter vaccines, from 8am Monday, October 2, all eligible adults will be able to book their flu jab appointment.

Last winter saw NHS staff treating significant numbers of patients in hospital with respiratory illnesses such as flu and Covid-19, and health bosses are encouraging people to come forward for their vaccines as soon as possible to better protect themselves and those around them this winter. 

Steve Russell, Chief Delivery Officer and National Director for Vaccinations and Screening for NHS England, said: "The NHS winter vaccination programme is already off to a strong start, with almost four million flu vaccinations and more than two million Covid-19 jabs already delivered, offering vital protection ahead of winter.

"Last winter, hospitals saw significant numbers of people being treated for viruses like flu and Covid-19, and vaccines are our best defence – it is important to top up your protection, even if you have had a vaccine or been ill with flu or Covid-19 before, as immunity fades over time and the viruses change each year.

"With tens of thousands of appointments for adult flu vaccinations now available online or by calling 119, we urge people to come forward for both jabs as soon as they can."

Covid vaccinations for those aged 5 to 11 years and eligible for a seasonal vaccination will begin later in October, and the NHS will let eligible families know when this offer opens.

GP practices and other local NHS services have also been contacting people to offer both flu and Covid-19 vaccines, sometimes in the same visit. Where this is not possible, it is better to get each vaccine as soon as you can rather than wait.

Book an appointment through, by downloading the NHS App or by calling 119.