Residents of Dorset are being urged to have their say about the future of housing.

Dorset Council's Housing Strategy Consultation is now more than halfway through, having been launched five weeks ago.

Residents who do take part will have the opportunity to influence the council’s approach to housing over the next five years.

The Housing Strategy will not be produced until the consultation and engagement process comes to an end on October 2.

It’s quick and easy to take part and should only take a few minutes.

There’s also an evidence-based document alongside the questions, which provides a picture of the current housing climate in Dorset.  

There are four key objectives proposed for the strategy including housing need, housing supply, housing standards, and prevention of homelessness. 

Councillor Graham Carr-Jones, lead member for housing, said: “We’ve been encouraged by the responses so far, they’ve been wide-ranging, informative, and passionate.

"We will consider each response as part of this process.

"I would urge individuals, families, businesses, and organisations to complete the consultation in the next few weeks and help us Home In On Housing.

"The strategy will include both new and existing housing, as well as how the council plans to respond to housing issues in Dorset.

"It’s not just about the development of new housing although it dovetails with our local plan.

"Whilst we’re grateful to the more than 1300 people who have responded so far, we would encourage those who haven’t taken part to do so.

"This will help to provide us with a greater insight into what is more important to our residents."

To take part in the consultation, visit the Dorset Council website.

If you are unable to complete the consultation online or wish to request a paper copy, call 01305 221000 for further information.