A BRIDPORT care home threw open its doors to visitors and guests from the local community.

Bridport Town Mayor Dave Bolwell also popped in to St James’ Park, in Bradpole, to participate in this year’s Care Home Open Week celebrations.

Care Home Open Week is a national event hosted by Championing Social Care, designed to connect care homes with their local communities.

The week provides care homes with the opportunity to showcase what they have to offer, their fantastic facilities, activities and services, and to remind their neighbours that they are there if they need support.

St James’ Park’s chosen theme for this year’s Care Home Open Week was ‘Celebrating Together’.

Throughout the week, residents, colleagues, families and friends enjoyed a variety of fun-filled activities including music, arts and crafts and delicious cakes baked by the home’s chef Antony.

Mihaela Barbulescu, Care Home Manager at St James’ Park, said: “Care Home Open Day is an opportunity for care workers across the UK to showcase the best of the sector and for us to share what we are blessed with seeing every day.

"We’d like to say a thank you to the Mayor and Mrs Bolwell for attending our home and sharing their time with us.”

Cllr Bolwell, said: “As Mayor of Bridport I was invited to the open day at St James’ Park Care Home.

"It was an opportunity not only to meet the staff and residents but also see the wonderful artwork that they had created.

“St. James’ Park is located in a building full of character and set in wonderful gardens. I spent some time talking to Mihaela and it was plain that she is totally committed to providing the best care possible and I was impressed how this was mirrored by all of the staff and echoed by all of the residents that I met."