Residents have expressed their concerns about Bridport, with one labelling it a ‘dirty, filthy place.’

Issues have been raised with the amount of litter being found around areas of Bridport including the town centre, Downes Street and Rax Lane.

One resident expressed her concerns for the town and said: “There are some areas which are absolutely disgusting – especially outside the museum.”

She added: “It has been like this for ages, it looks shocking and I’m ashamed, I think Bridport is a dirty, filthy place, you only have to go to Lyme Regis or Beaminster to see a difference.”

Helen Purdom, another Bridport resident expressed her upset for some areas of the town.

She said: “I have always been upset by litter and I do the mayor’s litter pick twice a year and I try to keep the area around where I live the best I can. I even made an offer to the previous mayor to pick up dog poo around the town.

“Bridport is looking dirty, it looked fab when I first moved here and now there’s empty shops, litter, dog poo and graffiti.

“Why would any tourists want to come here - I wouldn’t want to go on holiday to a place covered in litter. It’s lost its charm and looks drab - I just want it looking nicer.”

A spokesperson for Dorset Council who are in charge of the street cleaning in Bridport said: "We have a street cleaner attending Bridport town centre every day, but our mechanical sweeper is currently being repaired so we’re not cleaning some streets as often as we’d like to at the moment.

"We hope to be back to full capacity soon, but in the meantime we ask that residents report specific problems directly to us via our website or Customer Services so we can target littered areas as and when they require our attention."

Cllr Dave Bolwell, Mayor of Bridport said: “It’s disappointing to hear these concerns and I would encourage anyone who spots problems around the town to report them to either the Town Council or Dorset Council so that issues can be ‘nipped in the bud’. 

“There’s always room for improvement but it’s possible that some of the concerns are after a busy weekend in the town centre or at West Bay before the street cleaners have been out tidying up. 

“It’s obviously frustrating when people drop litter or don’t clear up after their dog, and we know that Dorset Council has been delayed this year in starting its weed clearance work, but I wouldn’t want to get these things out of proportion. 

"Bridport is a wonderful town and just a couple of weeks ago, a national magazine put us at the top of a list of the ‘most beautiful seaside towns to visit in the UK this summer.’ Report any concerns to Dorset Council (01305 221000 or or Bridport Town Council (01308 456722 or”