BURTON Bradstock residents are being asked for their views on the village's 'identity' at an upcoming workshop.

The area's Community Land Trust, which is a group enabling land to be held 'in trust' for community needs, is seeking residents' views.

It will be exploring the 'specific opportunities and challenges' of providing affordable housing in the seaside village alongside Bridport-based design workshop Common Practice.

To start the conversation, residents of Burton Bradstock are being asked to share their stories about the area, the village and their home. 

People are asked to send pictures of examples of the kinds of architecture they like or buildings in Burton Bradstock that they think represent its particular character to localmattersworkshops@gmail.com

The findings will be shared at a drop-in workshop being held at Burton Bradstock Village Hall on Saturday, April 29 from 11am to 3pm.

The CLT aims to search for sites for small developments of affordable housing and to help make them available for people with a strong local connection.

More information can be found on the CLT website at www.burtonbradstockclt.org