A new initiative has been launched to help Bridport businesses 'employ the right staff at the right time'.

The scheme is run by the Bridport Business Chamber of Commence with the help of Bridport Job Centre staff and town mayor Ian Bark.

The Chamber will be hosting a series of drop-in sessions at the Job Centre in West Street to help firms achieve their staffing aims in 2023, the first being held next month.

Staff will be on hand to advise on topics such as access to work, apprenticeships and support for employers.

Tuesday, February 7 has been set as the date for the first session from 5pm to 6pm, limited to 20 people, which will also include a Q&A session.  

"Employing a local person has a positive knock-on effect through the whole region's economy and there is national and regional funding available to help," Bridport Business Chamber of Commence said. 

"This is a real opportunity for owners and managers to get the help and support they need to make a real difference to the life of a local person and their family and develop their staff in the best way to support a thriving business."

Those interested in attending the session should email info@bridportbusiness.org.uk by Friday, January 27.