A filmmaker is hoping an upcoming documentary will tell the tales of locals' lives in Lyme Regis. 

Billy Geraghty, a former actor and drama teacher, is helping to film and produce a documentary titled 'Senior Moments' which entails elderly people from the local community recounting their memories of growing up and living in Lyme Regis.

Billy told the News: "So far it has been really fascinating.

"I either interview people at the theatre or if they want me to I can come to them. I've interviewed a few people so far and it's gone exactly as expected.

"People's memories are so vivid and descriptive. You are giving people the opportunity to talk and recount extraordinary moments of their lives, specifically linked to Lyme it's fascinating. 

"What I really want to do is to focus it heavily on people who are local to the area. Pinning down people who grew up here, were schooled here or have lived here all their lives, or people who have come back to the area. Those are the people I want to speak to. It is aimed at a local opportunity for local folk to come and chat."

The Marine Theatre in Lyme is also hosting several events alongside the filming to help get more people involved in the venue and with the documentary.

A recent tea dance proved popular and the next event, a vintage tea party with singer Kate Mullins is set to be staged later this month on Tuesday, November 22 at 2 pm.

Further along the line, there is a Christmas Cabaret event planned too to ignite festive feels! Both of these events are free to attend.

Explaining the reasoning behind the title of the documentary, Billy said: "I think it's great! Usually, it is a derogatory term for people who can't remember things. But on the flip of that, this film is about people recounting their memories and talking about things. 

"They can talk about whatever they feel they would like to contribute it's entirely voluntary. I have a series of general questions that people get ideas that spur off from that."

It is hoped that the film will be ready to be viewed next summer at the Marine Theatre. 

If you are willing to be involved in the documentary or know someone who would be interested you can contact the theatre by email at creative@marinetheatre.com or attend one of the free events for more details.