THERE was no love lost as Bridport Tennis Club held its finals day, culminating a month of competition with six finals taking place on the day.

In the veterans' mixed doubles final Phil Boyer and Janet Clayton had a 6-3 win over Geoff Smith and Helen Boyer while in the open mixed doubles Neil Blincow and Karine Sehn beat Ludo Blackburn and Jilly Blincow.

In a game where love literally means nothing, one can only hope that both Phil and Neil can survive defeating their wives on the tennis court.

Meanwhile, the men’s doubles trophy was won by Nick Wright and Phil Boyer who won 6-0 against Scott Carson and Marc McNaughton and the ladies doubles trophy saw Hannah Skellern and Helen Boyer win 6-4 against Sehn and Jacqui Mitchell.

The quality of tennis was exceptional throughout all the finals but it was the two singles finals that produced the outstanding performances of the day.

In the ladies' final, Hannah Skellern narrowly defeated Sehn 7-5 while in the men’s final Neil Blincow had a 7-6 win against Wright after a scintillating match culminating in a tie-break finish – a great finale to a fine day of tennis.