A YOUTH dance group will ebb and flow with the landscape as they perform at an ancient hillfort with stunning views.

Bridport Youth Dance (BYD) will present their new show 'Choreography Geography' on Eggardon Hill with 22 dancers aged between 10 and 18 taking to an outdoor stage.

BYD Artistic Director Nikki Northover said: "The landscape is integral to the performance as the dancers ebb and flow - advance and retreat - through the space.

"Much of the movement has been created in response to the landscape. The natural environment creates a mood and atmosphere. An air of mystery and history intertwined.

"The audience will walk and watch, listen and absorb. The sky and the land are integral to the performance and become a stunning natural backdrop. Vast, beautiful and breathtaking. "

Choreography Geography has been developed through improvisation and creative work and will feature choreography by Nikki Northover, Aimee Symes, and Claire Benson. Live music from local composer Andrew Dickson and musician Theo Sudbury-Slight is also incorporated.

The show, a partnership with the National Trust and supported by a host of organisations, is a part of BYD's Art and Dance in the Landscape dance education project aimed at celebrating young people and connecting them to nature through dance.

BYDs aim to provide exciting, creative, and artistic opportunities for young people so that they continue to be inspired and empowered through the power of dance. They run dance classes for children, young people and adults aged 5-21.

The show is on Saturday, September 17 and Sunday, September 18 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £5 and are available from Bridport TIC - call 01308 424901.

The performance involves the audience taking a short walk and the ground can be uneven so suitable footwear is strongly advised.

For more details of BYD's outdoor dance education project which includes The Dance Weavers films, Weather Weaving workshops and site-specific work or the weekly dance education programme contact Nikki Northover at bridportyouthdance01@gmail.com or see www.bridportyouthdance.org.uk