Wessex Water has thanked its customers across the south west for using water responsibly during the dry weather this summer, which has helped avoid the need for a hosepipe ban.

Households are urged to keep up the good work, even now that temperatures are cooling, because rivers and wildlife need protection.

Paul Saynor, head of water resources and supply strategy at Wessex Water, said: “Groundwater and reservoir levels are lower than average at the moment, but we are not near the record low levels of 1976, which was the last time Wessex Water had a hosepipe ban.

“We’re very grateful to customers for doing their bit to help each other and the environment and urge everyone to keep making the effort to reduce their ‘water footprint’ in case the dry weather continues through the autumn and winter.”

Wessex Water’s top tips for saving water in the home and garden can be found at wessexwater.co.uk