Bridport’s indoor skatepark has celebrated its second anniversary.

The 2020 Skate and Ride at Gore Cross Trading Estate celebrated with a selection of free refreshments including slushies and cakes as well as taster sessions to newcomers.

Robert Ridge, owner of 2020 Skate and Ride said: “When we opened, the idea came from the legacy of the old skatepark, ‘The Trick Factory.’ A lot of people were looking for an opportunity to present itself and then all the planets lined up.

“We got the keys and we aimed to open in the easter which was stalled by the first lockdown and after a bumpy first year, like many other recreational facilities being besieged by the numerous lockdowns & restrictions, the facility has enjoyed a more predictable second year.”

The facility welcomes visitors of all ages and abilities to take part whether they use a skateboard, scooter, BMX or skates and they also offer teaching sessions.

Mr Ridge said: “I’m an old school BMXer, I started in the 80’s when it was a craze and when it’s not so busy in the skate park, I like to keep my hand in - it keeps me fit and healthy.

“The skate park is run by myself and a team of volunteers and we are really grateful for the support.”

2020 Skate and Ride is open MONDAY - Saturday throughout the summer to and is one of few indoor, all-weather supervised facilities along the south coast.

The skatepark are also looking for volunteers to join the team.

For more information and to book, visit: