A charity working to maintain open green space in the heart of its town has made plans for the next half year of fundraising.

The Friends of Bridport Millennium Green have been making arrangements for their next six-months of fundraising, with all money going to help with improvements and updating for the green and Coneygar Hill.

The first event is a night with Bridport Broadsides, a local group of sea shanty singers, on Thursday, September 15 at Bridport Town Hall.

During the autumn and winter there will also be a programme of talks including Birds of Antarctica, Banking in the 1950s, Bridges of Dorset, and the History of Downe Hall. These interesting events will all take place in the WI Hall on Thursdays, dates to be confirmed.

January 6 will once again see a now regular Twelfth Night event with local band Rough Assembly, at Bridport Town Hall. Always a good, fun evening.

The green surrounds the town council building at Mountfield and is run by a Trust for the people of Bridport, and is available for use at all times. The gardens are mainly tended by volunteers. There is also a 10-acre woodland on Coneygar Hill.

For more details please contact the chairman Sandra Brown on 01308 423078, or look on their website www.bridportmillenniumgreen.co.uk.