Citizens Advice in Dorset is encouraging pensioners to apply for the government’s Household Support Fund to help with the cost of living increase before the funds are no longer available.

The online application asks for proof of ID and providing pensioners have less than £10,000 in savings, a supermarket voucher will be issued.

Nina Downes, project leader, said: “The government has allocated funding for pensioners to help with the increase in the cost of living and spiralling energy prices.”

“If you’re a pensioner living in the Dorset Council area and are on a low income, we urge you to apply for the fund. It’s easy to apply and if you’re not online, there are other options available.”

Citizens Advice is encouraging residents to help an elderly relative, friend or neighbour who could be eligible for the Household Support Fund by telling them about the funding and helping with the application.

Nina continues: “It’s really important that pensioners apply now before the funding is no longer available, as there is a time limit. This is not a grant, they don’t need to pay it back, it’s money available in the form of a supermarket voucher to help with the cost of living increase.”