ONE of Bridport's quirkiest festivals will be back this year.

A mass of colourful and creative head gear will swamp the town when Bridport Hat Festival returns in September.

Last year's event was scaled back due to ongoing concerns around the pandemic, however, the much-loved festival will be back crazier than ever on Saturday, September 3.

It will be opened by Bridport mayor Ian Bark at 10am in Bucky Doo Square followed by music from the Bucky Doo ' Pop Club Stage'.

As is tradition, the mass-hatted photo will be taken in the square at 1pm followed by judging of the various hat competitions.

A spokesman for Bridport Hat Festival said: "We are hoping to, once again, see the occasionally elegant, always creative or technically ingenious and often bizarre creations that are such a feature of this event. Who knows what the tortured minds of our Bridport folk will come up with?

"We thus expect to see many making reference to local features, or satirical referrals to topical events - or just downright weird."

The all-day HatFest Garden Party is also taking place on the same day at Bridport’s Millennium Green where there will be food, a licensed bar, music and entertainment throughout the day from 10am until 6pm.

A collection will be made throughout the town with all proceeds being donated to head related charities.

The 2021 festival saw donation pots dotted around the square on the day and more than £700 was raised for Brain Tumour Research and the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust.

To help with the smooth running of the festival we are looking for some more volunteers who would be prepared to help for an hour or two on HatFest day – if you can help please phone us on 01308 250350 or email on