Dorset Council staff who have not completed mandatory data protection training may not be as bad as originally thought - but is still likely to stand at 30 per cent.

Figures initially presented to councillors suggested that at least 70 per cent had not competed the training.

But this week the council's audit and governance committee was told the situation had improved and there may also be some varience in the way the figures are collated, registering those who had not finished as not having completed the course, rather than registering them as having started the work.

Committee chairman Cllr Matt Hall welcomed the improving figures but said he was still unhappy that 30 per cent might not have taken the mandatory course in what he described as "a timely fashion."

Councillors who have not undertaken the training are thought to be among those who have not completed the course and could soon receive a reminder that they need to do so, the meeting heard.