RESIDENTS across Dorset are being warned to stick to a set of rules to avoid online scams.

With yesterday (Tuesday, June 14) marking the start of Scams Awareness Fortnight - an initiative from Citizens Advice is being highlighted, aiming to create a network of confident and alert consumers who know what to do when they spot a scam.

A spokesman from Dorset Police said: "When you use a search engine to find a store, or a phone number for example, do not click the first link.

"The top two or three links in the search results are paid for adverts, denoted by a little 'Ad' symbol.

"This is often how scammers trick people in to calling bogus customer support phone numbers.

"The first click you see is the legitimate website, below the 'People also search for' section. The second click may be what appears to be an advert for Argos. This takes users to a completely unrelated website, claiming to offer vouchers to 'a lucky few users'.

The URL is different and usually a countdown timer to add time pressure. There can be 'Facebook comments' showing people have received different items to those allegedly on offer. These are all major red flags.

"Our advice is never rely on that top link. It's not really a search result. It could have been paid for by absolutely anybody.

"Scroll on down until you find a result that doesn't have 'Ad' next to it and go from there."