ADVICE has been issued after reports of algae in the seas off the south west coast.

South West Water and the Environment Agency, through Beach Wise, have released information to help beach goers determine the difference between algae and sewage.

They said: "The south west has some of the finest bathing waters and beaches in the whole of Europe.

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"However, marine algae can affect our coastline and shores, especially after windy conditions following warm weather, and is often mistaken for sewage.

"If you notice foam on the water's surface or on the beach this is likely to be the result of algae dying off and breaking down. It is very unlikely to be sewage."

Beach Wise said sewage discharges was unlikely to form as foam or scum on the surface of the water.

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It also said stormwater overflows tend to cause grey discolouration of the water and would have a clearly identifiable source like a pipe.

"If you are concerned that what you see is not algae and is some other kind of pollution, please phone the Environment Agency's free 24-hour emergency hotline on 0800 80 70 60," it added.