ORGANISERS of Bridport Carnival are calling on local groups struggling for funds to get involved and help out in exchange for a potential financial injection.

Local organisations who offer their time to sell raffle tickets, escort the procession or help man road closures could apply to be a beneficiary for the event.

Gill Crump, parade manager, said: “It’s a win-win situation, you help us and we help you.

“It can be as much fun as you make it – and the more money we raise, the more you can receive.

“If your organisation has young people, it is a brilliant learning experience, using and acquiring many useful skills; if your organisation has older people, it can be a great social experience, a great way to meet new friends and old, and a good way of 'giving back' to your community.”

Application forms to become a Carnival Funds Beneficiary can be found on the Bridport Carnival website or from the Bridport TIC.