THE Friends of Bridport Millennium Green would like to thank all those who participated in their recent Garden Fair. Without all the members and the public who brought plants, tools, pots and other garden related items, and helped with selling, setting up and distributing items it would not have been possible, the Friends say.

The money raised was in excess of £400, and will be used for its upkeep, where the raised beds and borders are looking really colourful and cheerful. The bluebells at the top of Coneygar Hill are worth the walk.

The next event at the Green will be a stall at the Community and Charter Fair on Saturday, May 14 from 9.30am-3.30pm, where there will be music and maypole dancing. The Millennium Green fundraising stall will be selling quality bric-a-brac and tickets for a hamper raffle.

If you have items to donate, or would like them collected, contact Chairman Sandra Brown 01308 423078.