ORGANISERS of Bridport’s iconic carnival are the hunt for new committee members to join their ranks.

The committee has recently had two new people join but is still on the hunt for more.

Gill Crump, parade manager, said: “We have been asking for people to join us without success but recently we had two young, friendly and enthusiastic people join us.

“They contributed well and have made lots of suggestions for this year’s and next year's carnival.

“Two new members are wonderful but more would make the load lighter - it is essential to have young people to arrange existing and new events alike”

The next committee meeting will be on Monday April 25 at 66 South Street from 7pm.

Those interested in joining the carnival’s management team are asked to contact Graham Davies at Long's fish and chips, King Street, Gill Crump at Instant ReDress, East Street or email Joyce Dunford via