NO DOG fouling fines have been issued to dog owners across the whole of Dorset within the past five years.

Kennel Store, one of the UK's biggest dog housing company, has conducted an FOI request for councils across the UK regarding dog fouling fines over the last five years.

Across both the Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole areas, there have been no dog fouling fines given to any owners, according to the FOI request.

Janet Moore, Dorset Council service manager for environmental protection, said at a meeting at the Littlemoor Community Centre on Monday (March 14) it is 'tricky' to enforce dog fouling fines.

She said: "To fine someone you have to present unequivocal evidence that it was there dog that fouled. It's tricky to enforce.

"If anybody is seen letting their dog foul within Littlemoor, we would urge the public to record exact dates and times, and location."