A LOCAL women’s group has called Dorset 'a county of inequality' as it urges more women to join them in a bid to tackle inequality.

Women’s Action Network Dorset (WAND) is calling for more Dorset women to join them as they launch a new strategy to tackle inequality for women.

It comes as International Women’s Day is marked today.

Chairman of WAND Marianne Storey said: “Women and girls have experienced inequality for very many years, but we are just starting to experience a new time of unprecedented opportunity for women as society begins to change its views and its biases about women’s roles, abilities, needs and ambitions.

"The theme of International Women’s Day this year is ‘Break the Bias’ and so Women’s Action Network Dorset are doing just that by launching a new strategy that celebrates the strengths of women, honours them by sharing their stories and issues and offers allyship to their challenges. It aims to create opportunities for women to collaborate and to tackle inequality by focussing on women’s strengths and resources.”

She added: “Dorset is a county of inequality, particularly in the things that determine the health of its residents – things like housing, income, work opportunities and education. There are huge differences between some neighbourhoods and others. And these things always impact on the lives of women disproportionately. Especially women from minority backgrounds like women of a Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) heritage, LGBTQ+ or Trans-Women or Women with a disability or a mental health condition.

"We know that the pandemic has affected women disproportionately, we know that levels of domestic abuse have risen, that thousands of families have lost vital income and that concerns about gender-based violence are higher than ever. But we also know that the numbers of female entrepreneurs and business leaders are at an all time high, that huge changes are happening around the issues and attitudes towards menopause, female genital mutilation, mental health and gynaecological cancers and that there are more girls than ever studying, and outranking their male counterparts in traditionally ‘male’ subjects at universities and in higher education.

"So, Women’s Action Network Dorset believe it’s time to tackle the inequality experienced by women in Dorset by focussing on the positives the strengths, the resources and the achievements of Women. And so, as part of our activities for International Women’s Day, we are calling for hundreds of Dorset women to join us in our venture so that we can get the momentum we need to enact the change that needs to happen in our county.”

Women’s Action Network Dorset has been in existence since 2010 and began as a community voluntary group to promote women’s rights and wellbeing. The new strategy was launched in January this year which is still overseen by a committee of volunteers.

Dorset bookshops have collaborated with Women’s Action Network to highlight their favourite books written by, for, about, or to inspire, women. They will be showcasing these books in their stores.

A series of interviews with women in Dorset in influential positions is set to be launched under the banner #WANDWith - beginning with a conversation with Dr Anjana Khatwa – scientist and presenter, about her experiences of being a woman from a BAME background in science, her passion for rocks and her female superpowers that have seen her prosper despite some difficult setbacks in her life.

An art event at the Chapel in the Garden in Bridport this week called Metamorphosis celebrates the ability of women to change, flex and adapt to life’s challenges.

Proceeds from tickets will contribute to the work of WAND.


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