ROUGH sleepers in the Dorset Council area are to be supported off the streets and into long-term homes thanks to a Levelling Up grant from the Government.

Dorset Council has received £1,126,043 in funding as part of its Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

This programme aims to create over 2,900 move-on homes across the country between 2021 and 2024 as part of the £433 million programme.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Cllr Graham Carr-Jones, portfolio holder for housing at Dorset CouncilCllr Graham Carr-Jones, portfolio holder for housing at Dorset Council

All housing provided includes refurbished flats from unlettable homes in disrepair and new build properties, converted hotels and schools.

The accommodation is to be provided with specially-trained support workers - often from homelessness charities – who will be offering treatment for mental health issues and substance misuse to help long-term rough sleepers and newly homeless people remain in their tenancies and into employment or training.

Councils across England are invited to bid for funding for the remainder of the programme as part of a total investment of £433 million in safe, long-term, stable and supported housing for rough sleepers.

Cllr Graham Carr-Jones, Dorset Council portfolio holder for housing, said: “We applaud the announcement from government they are providing more funding for the Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme.

"Dorset Council is an active part of this programme and we are very pleased with the way the funding, received so far, has provided settled homes and support for people who have been sleeping rough.

"The opportunity to bid for more funding to provide homes and support is very welcome, and we are preparing our proposals in time for the April deadline."

Eddie Hughes, Minister for Housing and Rough Sleeping said: “One person sleeping rough on our streets is one too many, and more is needed to help people who find themselves in this terrible situation.

“That’s why I’m delighted to announce this funding for the Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme, which is supporting people to access housing and, crucially, specialist support to rebuild their lives and become independent again.

“This government does not just want to make a dent in the number of rough sleepers – we want to end rough sleeping for good, and through innovative programmes like this we’re on track to ensure no one is forced to spend a night on the streets.”

The government's programme is backed by over £2 billion for rough sleeping and homelessness services over the next 3 years, with 6,000 homes pledged for rough sleepers by the end of this parliament.