A MAJOR project by Dorset Council has seen the transfer of almost five decades worth of planning information coverged within the space of a year.

Dorset Council’s Planning Convergence and Transformation project saw the transfer of more than four million documents, which was done to streamline 47 years worth of planning applications, building control applications, land charge applications, and tree preservation orders.

When the council formed in April 2019 there were six different planning teams and separate software systems for each former district, borough and county councils.

The team was restructured, and work started on the convergence part of the project, while a key part was to bring all the information held onto one system.

Once the final convergence phase is completed next month, the council’s attention will turn to transformation. Using the information, that was gathered during the initial discovery stage and working with people who use the service the council will develop a modern planning system streamlining processes and making it easier for customers to use.