Residents in Bradpole will be paying marginally less for parish council services in the coming year.

It comes after Bradpole parish councillors considered the budget and precept requirement for 2022-23.

It has been agreed that the parish precept will be £41,278 (£43.52 per annum at the average Band D) - compared to £41,370 for the current year (£43.63).

This is the parish precept only - the total bill needs to include Dorset Council's share plus precepts from the police and fire services.

In agreeing the budget, Bradpole councillors said they considered:

- The need to maintain parish council services

- The requirement to complete Covid delayed maintenance work

- The wish to replace and enhance recreation areas

- Current pressures of the national financial position on household finances

- Likelihood of additional pressures on household budgets in the coming year

- Likelihood of an increase in the Dorset Council tax rate

A spokesman for the council said: "To achieve this budget, parish councillors have again decided not to take the financial allowances that are available to them.

"Within these arrangements, councillors have agreed to progress enhancements to green spaces, particularly at the Pageants Close Play Area and at the Gore Cross Recreation Area. Funding is available from cash reserves, that have been managed over recent years for these particular projects, enabling them to be progressed without an additional burden on residents.

"The parish council will also be seeking any grant funding that may be available for community benefits."

The spokesman added: "Although it has been possible to maintain the parish precept at current levels for the third consecutive year. Councillors are aware that, with inflation currently around 5 per cent per annum this may be difficult to achieve in future years."