A DISCUSSION is going ahead to look at ways Bridport can help to fight climate change.

A discussion evening will take place on Tuesday, September 21 to look at practical responses to climate change locally.

The event, put on by Bridport Food Matters, Transition Town Bridport and West Dorset Friends of the Earth, will cover four main topics with a short briefing on each, then break into smaller groups to explore ideas and questions in more detail, followed by a general discussion on insights and next steps.

Bridport Town Council will highlight the priorities in its climate emergency action plan and the areas where it will need help from the wider community. Bridport Food Matters will speak about the potential to increase local produced and reduce dependence on imports. A speaker from Transition Town Bridport will talk about home insulation and how the upcoming Open Greener Homes event can give ideas on other steps which can be taken. Seeding our Future will discuss the practical steps that households and community organisations can take to be more prepared for sudden problems like floods and interruption to essential services.

There will also be information available on other local initiatives such as Plastic Free Bridport and Bridport Tree Planting. Representatives of a number of local organisations have been invited, to help widen involvement from the local community.

The event will begin at 7pm at the United Reform Church on East Street. Numbers will be limited to enable social distancing so those who would like to attend are suggested to book in advance.

Entry is free but donations have been requested to cover the cost of the venue, with suggestions of around £2 or £3 per person.

To book a ticket for the event, visit www.practical-local-climate-change.eventbrite.co.uk.