A NEW mural has been painted at a playing field in town.

Local artist Marina Renee-Cemmick has collaborated with some talented young people in Bridport to create this piece of street art.

The mural, located at St Mary's playing field represents elements of identity, with a particular focus on rights respecting principles such as freedom of belief, thought and expression, democracy and access to public services, personal and community security and culture and the environment.

The project was supported by Bridport Town Council and the Bridport Rights Respecting Town group.

Marina previously turned heads when she combined with fellow local artist Imi Neylan to create some striking artwork on the doors of the Lyric Theatre earlier this year.

A spokesman for the Lyric Theatre said: "Last week Marina Renee-cemmick collaborated with young people in Bridport to design and create this stunning piece of street art representing elements of identity.

"We hope you agree it's full of hope and positivity, thank you and congratulations to Marina and all who contributed to it."