BRIC-A-BRAC and toys will be available in a village hall next weekend.

The annual Stoke Abbott Street Fair - originally scheduled to go ahead on Saturday, July 17 - unfortunately had to be cancelled as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

However, the team behind the event are still making sure some street fair favourites are going ahead, including the 'Granny's Attic' stall - a sale of toys and bric-a-brac.

The Granny's Attic stall has long been one of the most popular attractions at the street fair. It will take place in the Stoke Abbott Village Hall from 11am until 3am on Sunday, September 5.

These events are going ahead to raise funds for the village hall and St Mary's Church. The group has already held a plant stall, a book barn, a cakes and bakes sale and afternoon teas in aid of the cause. Following Granny's Attic will be a sale of 'pre-loved' clothing, with a date to be confirmed.