AN episode of Songs of Praise filmed across Dorset will be broadcast later this week.

Film crews and presenters visited the county in late-July in a Dorset-themed edition of the long-running religious BBC series.

The episode will see Claire McCollum explores stories of fossils, faith and science along the Jurassic Coast.

In Lyme Regis, Claire hears the story of Mary Anning, the 19th-century Christian fossil hunter who revolutionised paleontology. She will also join a fossil walk along Lyme Regis beach with renowned botanist Sir Ghillean Prance, to hear how science and faith can live in harmony.

Gemma Hunt meets a geologist whose childhood holidays on the Jurassic Coast inspired her vital work on climate change. She speaks about the importance of studying the natural world and about feeling the presence of God on expeditions to the wilderness of Antarctica.

The episode will also see the first Songs of Praise congregation with singer Aled Jones in more than 18 months as hundreds of residents and visitors visited Prince Albert Gardens in Swanage. Many hymns were filmed including All Things Bright and Beautiful, How Great Thou Art and Jerusalem.

The episode will be broadcast at 1.15pm on Sunday, August 22.