A HISTORIC church is celebrating its 175th birthday.

Holy Trinity Church in Bradpole is hosting several celebratory events marking the construction of the building on August 4, 1846.

On the anniversary itself, Wednesday, August 4, the church will be holding a holy communion with celebrant, Reverend Janis Moore and preacher, Reverend Maureen Allchin.

Further events will then be held in September, with display throughout the church illustrating the history and continuing life of the Bradpole from Friday, September 3 until Sunday, September 5.

There will also be a cream tea afternoon at Bradpole Forster Village Hall from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday, September 4 and a songs of praise service at 3pm on Sunday, September 5.

Everybody will be welcome at these events, provided there are no Covid restrictions in place at the time.

Peter Carnell, member of the Holy Trinity Church, said: "I've lived here for 30 years, during which time the church has been pivotal in my life. It was extremely vibrant and welcoming when we moved and has been extremely important to the community and the town.

"I feel the church is characterised by how welcoming and supportive it is, both to visitors and new arrivals.

"A lot of people in the town have had connections with the church over their lifetime."

Mr Carnell added: "We're all very excited to be able to hold these celebratory events, we just wish the conditions were different so we could have a larger celebration."

A much bigger celebration was held for the church's 150th birthday back in 1996, but has been toned own on this occasion due to the uncertainties around Covid-19.

The Holy Trinity Church has seen a continuous development over the past 175 years, with the first spire being built in 1855, the building's stained glass and murals being installed in 1897 and the augmented bells becoming a part of the church in 1910.

The organisers of these celebratory events hope that many residents will want to share in the celebrating of this milestone.